Raise and Walk

Jesus said to a sick man…

‘Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.’

Rise means to ‘have a source.’

Source is a ‘place from which something comes.’

For me to rise means to go back to were I came from and that is within to my inner real me. My Self  or as some say God. God is my  Self.

Source means “support,”

And it is my Self/God that supports my body, not the body or doctors , medicine or operations .

Rise means to ‘increase in strength.’

To rise I must only rely on my source, my inner Self to strengthen me and not to  depend on medicines,exercise or foods.

Rise means to ‘be proper’ and proper is ‘belonging to ones self.’

To rise I must understand me and my body belong only to Self.

My Self is ME. ME is my inner SELF.

Rise means to ‘come into existence’ and existence means reality’ which  means

a real fact.’

To rise I must understand the real fact that


I am my Spirit…I am my Self…I am my Consciousness. The Source of all that I am.

‘Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.’

Take up my bed. Take means to ‘receive and accept willingly.’

To take means I must be willing to accept that my Self is the only thing able to do anything… and I do.

Take means to ‘gain possession of.’

So for me to take I must first gain possession of all my thoughts.

Take is to ‘accept into a relationship with oneself. ‘

That means I must quit having a relationship with my body and ‘me’ and ONLY have a relationship with the real ME…the real Me of Me…my  INNER SPIRIT…THAT SELF OF ME.

Take means to ‘choose. ‘

So I must choose NOW who I will serve…my self out here or my inner real Self.

Take up my bed and bed means  “to provide  lodgings, and lodging means a ‘temporary residence.’

That tells me I am to take, choose where I want to reside…in the flesh which is only  temporary residence…or within my own Self.

 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.

Walk means ‘to follow a certain course or way of life.’

I must follow one course only and that is the path inward.

Walk means to ‘turn’ and turn means to ‘change the focus. ‘

For me to walk I must change my focus from self to Self.

Change my focus from out here to within since that is where all things first take place.

Turn means ‘to direct one’s thoughts and attention.’

For me to really walk then I must direct my thoughts inward and off me…off my body.

To take up my bed and walk I must understand and agree  with ancient Paul, that

‘ I am not in the flesh, I am in the spirit.’

So Then,There Is No Body Needing Help. EVER











Every word has many meanings.  Most people will choose the meaning that they have been taught.

In the case of the Bible, there are so many statements that make no sense at all. Like, ‘Judge not by the appearances, but judge righteous judgement.’ Why did Jesus tell us that? He must have known something that we don’t. What was he really saying?

Knowing the meanings of words helps to see or understand that there is the possibly that what you read, like the Bible, may not be giving you the writers intent, but giving you the meaning of the interrupter.

Here are some meanings for the word, ‘judge.’ It can mean, ‘opinion’ which means, ‘not known first hand.’ Opinions come from, ‘public beliefs’, and not ‘know first hand.’ Or ‘judge’ could mean a, ‘thought,’ and thoughts are simply ‘thinking.’ Think means to, ‘form into existence.’

Was Jesus saying, that the ‘appearances’ we see were ‘formed into existence’ by  our thinking? He could have, because, Socrates, Plato and even Shakespeare believed exactly that. They all believed it’s our thoughts that are first cause of all appearances. George Berkeley is another of many. If these great men believed that thoughts are the creative substance of our appearances, why couldn’t have Jesus?

Now lets see different meanings for the word, ‘appearance.’ The word is defined as a, ‘false showing.’ False means to ‘deceive, and a meaning for deceive is, ‘not real.’ Did Jesus understand that appearances were not real, but only mental pictures? He could have, for why else would he say to ‘not judge by the appearances.’ If you do not judge by what you see and feel, what will we judge by?

Appearance also means a, ‘pretense’ and a ‘pretense’ is a, ‘false displaying.’ A ‘false displaying’ of what? Appearance is a, ‘semblance’ which means, ‘to seem.’ Does that mean that appearances only ‘seem’ to be there?

Or appearance could mean to ’assume wrongly.’ If John had choose this meaning, then he was telling us that Jesus wanted us to know if we think appearances are real, we ‘assume wrongly.’ And when we ‘judge by the appearances’ we  are ‘judging’ something that is ‘not real,’ but ‘seems’ real. Is that what John thought Jesus meant, appearances are not real, they just ‘seem’ real?

Jesus and John could have been telling us that what was appearing was deceiving us into believing that there is more than the ALL BEING, GOD? Could be, because if the appearances are real, then God is not All. In which case you would have all the appearances and God. Either God IS All there is, or there is God and….? Remember, God is Omnipresent, and that means being everywhere at once…and that leaves no room for ‘appearances.’

How did the interrupters know what John really meant when he wrote, ‘Judge not by the appearances, but judge righteous judgement.’ Well, ‘righteous’ means ‘wise’ and wise is, ‘to be aware.’ Aware of what?

It is likely that Jesus was telling the people that they should be ‘aware’ that the ‘appearances’ they see, ‘are not real or present’ but are coming from where all things first come, and that is your thinking. You have to think something, before it can come into your experience as the ‘appearance.’

Maybe Jesus was telling the people a very different message than the one that we ended up with, which is based on how the interrupters of each word they chose to define it, based on their choice and their opinion of which meaning Jesus had in mind. And maybe it was not the way Jesus meant it at all.

Something to at least think about and stop being a follower of the interrupters understanding and do your own investigating of the meaning of the words John wrote and all the Bible writers and possibly the Writings will take on a whole new meaning for you.

YOU, be the interrupter. Get your dictionary and really investigate the words and their original root and the original meanings and you may be very surprised.





“How things look on the outside of us depends on how things are on the inside of us.”Henry Ward Beecher

not conformed

And what did Paul mean…Be not ‘conformed’

The  word, ‘conformed’ is from two words. Con and formed.

Con, means an, ‘opinion

Opinions are a ‘prevailing  popular view.’

Opinions are abelief not founded on proof’

So all that we know of us and ‘this world’ is not based on any proofs….but is based on ‘opinions.’  Without any proof.

All  the me in  ‘this world’  knows,  is from what the popular belief is.  Is that what I want …to have my life to be ‘conformed’,  to what  this worlds opinions are, without any proof?

And the word ‘formed, is ‘the way in which a thing exists.

 Formed also means  ‘to develop in the mind.’

 That means the way in which anything in this world ‘exist    is from what was, and is  ‘formed’ in our mind.’

That tells me that the stuff that forms my  body and all forms in ‘this world’ is from my  own mind. Could that be a reason, I  should NOT conform to the beliefs and opinions of ‘this world’ …because me and my  world did not  come from ‘this world’ as is the ‘prevailing  popular  view…’   but that my world and me and my body and other forms in ‘this world’ comes from my  own mind.

Looking at the whole word, I  find ‘conformed’ means,

 to act in accord with a set of standards

Standards is ‘conforming to an established and  accepted ways.’

 It is true that I have been conforming to the popular and accepted ways of ‘this world.’ Even though I have been told

So as long as I ‘conform‘ to ‘this world’ I am agreeing and accepting to ‘conform to  accepted ways  of the ‘opinions of the prevailing and  popular  view,  that is NOT  founded on proof.’

Being ‘conformed to this world’ I cannot and do not understand that all I know about God and the world, was ‘formed in my mind, FIRST by the popular prevailing view…that is not and was not founded on proofs.

Being’ conformed to this world’, I go along with the ‘ prevailing or popular  belief’  that  I am something separate and apart from God. By ‘conforming to this world‘ I agree and accept that there is a me and a God.

Being’ conformed to this world’, I go along with the ‘ prevailing or popular  belief’  that  I am something separate and apart from God. By ‘conforming to this world‘ I agree and accept that there is a me and a God. By ‘conforming to this world’ I then do not  really believe


I cannot and will not know the real God, the real me,  but instead will only know this worlds belief of a God, a world and a me who ‘this world’ tells me is a body that was born, will grow old and die.    If I am not to conform to ‘this world’…what should I ‘conform’ to? Nothing, just

Transformed is  to change  the appearance or form.’

How do I change the appearances in my world?

 I can only change the appearance if I ‘renew’ my mind.

Re means back to the original place; To change the appearances of my world I have to go to the ‘original place’ everything  came from. My Own Thoughts.

Did Paul mean that we should NOT ‘agree‘ with anything we have been taught from this world?  Like who and what God is? Who and what we are?

Be transformed? Be Renewed?

What did ancient Paul mean? Guess we had better do some investigating of different words and their meanings.

Transformed. Looking at the first part, ‘trans’ we find it means, ‘outside the understanding.



Was Paul saying that we should look somewhere else for our  understanding of God and our world…because the worlds understanding is wrong?



HERE                      HERE




‘Are you so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh? 

 What does that mean? I thought I began in my mothers womb.  But no,

‘It is the spirit that quicken, the flesh profited nothing.’ 

Quicken means, ‘ to make become alive.’

It is my Spirit that makes me alive, not my flesh.

Isaiah tells  me, ‘There is a  ‘spirit in man.’   That means there is a ‘spirit’ in me. What is the spirit in me?  And what does that mean to me?

If I began in the spirit, what is the spirit?

Dictionary time.

First meaning for ‘spirit’ is  a vital principle.  Vital means, essential’ and ‘essential’ means, ‘essence‘, which means, ‘real’.

So then, my ‘spirit’ is the real part of me, and not my flesh.

 Now  for the meaning of ‘principle’  which means the source.

That’s telling me, my inner ‘SPIRIT’ is the ‘source’ of me. That would mean if my Spirit is my source, then it is the only thing supplying my needs.   My  SPIRIT is who and what I am,  and not my  fleshly body.

A spirit is ‘an animating force within a person.’ Animate means, ‘to give life to.’

So  again, it is my spirit who gives me life, not my mother or father, but my spirit.

And the word ‘force,  means,  Power, Control and Authority.’  It is only my inner spirit, my  inner intelligent animating life force‘ that has complete ‘power, control and  authority over me and not time, nor diseases, or anything.

So  I am being foolish if I believe there is or can be some other Powers, some other Control or Authority over my flesh.

Spirit means, ‘essential nature of a person.’ Essential  the ‘very essence of a thing.’ Essential is,  ‘perfect.’ Am I perfect? Is my body perfect?

At this point it seems my body  is not perfect as it has various complaints and that is why I am trying to learn why I do seem to have fleshy issues, because I do not want to be foolish and as long as I believe I can be made perfect by trying to fix my flesh, my body, I am being foolish.

‘Are you so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh? 

 Yes I’m foolish if I believe I can heal my fleshly body and make it perfect, because the word body means, ‘distinguished from the spirit.’

Am I, can I really be different from my spirit?

There is no way I could ever be something outside of my SPIRIT

Spirit is defined as ‘an inner intelligent life force.’

My inner intelligent life is Consciousness.

I am are not in the flesh, I am in Consciousness. And I  can never get out. And all that Consciousness IS. I AM.

And all that Consciousness has. I have.

I am foolish if I do not understand, agree and accept, my ‘Spirit  will perfect that which concerns me:  But  first, let patience have her perfect work, that I  may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.   

Don’t give up being patient knowing the problems of the flesh are my opportunity to grow and fully understand it is ONLY  my inner SPIRIT that shows me my perfection.

If perfect means, ‘pure or unmixed,’ then to be perfect I  cannot be foolish and mix healthy and unhealthy thoughts together.‘   I may be made perfect only  in pure unmixed thinking.





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