Is your health failing?


What is the LIGHT that will speedily bring back a persons health?

z3cp31476728582What is it, that one needs to understand?

Well if understand means,

‘To become aware of’

What are we to become aware of?

How About

That is telling  you it is NOT in your body that you live

And That Is Because


If that is true, it would be impossible to ever have a problem.


Remove the Veil


Could It Be Said Any Clearer?

Maybe YOU Could Try




What Do You Think


Understanding My Reality



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‘Are you so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh? 

 What does that mean? I thought I began in my mothers womb.  But no,

‘It is the spirit that quicken, the flesh profited nothing.’ 

Quicken means, ‘ to make become alive.’

It is my Spirit that makes me alive, not my flesh.

Isaiah tells  me, ‘There is a  ‘spirit in man.’   That means there is a ‘spirit’ in me. What is the spirit in me?  And what does that mean to me?

If I began in the spirit, what is the spirit?

Dictionary time.

First meaning for ‘spirit’ is  a vital principle.  Vital means, essential’ and ‘essential’ means, ‘essence‘, which means, ‘real’.

So then, my ‘spirit’ is the real part of me, and not my flesh.

 Now  for the meaning of ‘principle’  which means the source.

That’s telling me, my inner ‘SPIRIT’ is the ‘source’ of me. That would mean if my Spirit is my source, then it is the only thing supplying my needs.   My  SPIRIT is who and what I am,  and not my  fleshly body.

A spirit is ‘an animating force within a person.’ Animate means, ‘to give life to.’

So  again, it is my spirit who gives me life, not my mother or father, but my spirit.

And the word ‘force,  means,  Power, Control and Authority.’  It is only my inner spirit, my  inner intelligent animating life force‘ that has complete ‘power, control and  authority over me and not time, nor diseases, or anything.

So  I am being foolish if I believe there is or can be some other Powers, some other Control or Authority over my flesh.

Spirit means, ‘essential nature of a person.’ Essential  the ‘very essence of a thing.’ Essential is,  ‘perfect.’ Am I perfect? Is my body perfect?

At this point it seems my body  is not perfect as it has various complaints and that is why I am trying to learn why I do seem to have fleshy issues, because I do not want to be foolish and as long as I believe I can be made perfect by trying to fix my flesh, my body, I am being foolish.

‘Are you so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh? 

 Yes I’m foolish if I believe I can heal my fleshly body and make it perfect, because the word body means, ‘distinguished from the spirit.’

Am I, can I really be different from my spirit?

There is no way I could ever be something outside of my SPIRIT

Spirit is defined as ‘an inner intelligent life force.’

My inner intelligent life is Consciousness.

I am are not in the flesh, I am in Consciousness. And I  can never get out. And all that Consciousness IS. I AM.

And all that Consciousness has. I have.

I am foolish if I do not understand, agree and accept, my ‘Spirit  will perfect that which concerns me:  But  first, let patience have her perfect work, that I  may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.   

Don’t give up being patient knowing the problems of the flesh are my opportunity to grow and fully understand it is ONLY  my inner SPIRIT that shows me my perfection.

If perfect means, ‘pure or unmixed,’ then to be perfect I  cannot be foolish and mix healthy and unhealthy thoughts together.‘   I may be made perfect only  in pure unmixed thinking.





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